Open 25.1 Recap And Results

CrossFit Open 25.1 Results And Winners Men Score Women Score Colten Mertens 361 reps Mirjam Von Rohr 359 reps Age Groups Men Score Women Score 14-15 Alex Barnes 348 reps Keira McManus 327 reps 16-17 Alan Spiegel III 290 reps María Granizo 306 reps 35-39 Drake Flones 325 reps Carolyne Prevost 341 reps 40-44 Andreas […]

Who is Dave Castro?

Dave Castro, the renowned fitness coach, former military man, and CrossFit Games Director, had a promising start in life as an athletic and ambitious young man. Born and raised in Southern California, Dave was drawn to sports and physical activity from a young age, showing exceptional talent and dedication in multiple sports such as football, […]

The story behind Hero WOD “Nate”

The Hero WOD “Nate” is a demanding and intense workout that is dedicated to a fallen hero. Named after Navy SEAL Petty Officer 2nd Class Nathan H. Hardy, the Hero WOD Nate is a test of strength, endurance, and mental fortitude. It is a powerful tribute to a brave individual who made the ultimate sacrifice […]

Nutrition During The 24AMRAP Challenge

The 24 hour AMRAP Challenge is an event that takes 24 hours (hence the name) and therefor could be classed as an ultra endurance event. Which makes sense, you are working for 24 hours straight with your team of six. Although some teams execute sleep and rest schedules and work in shifts there are also […]

500 reps to stay in the race

The threshold to stay in the race is 500 reps per team. So that means you need to complete 500 reps with your 6 man team per hour to stay in the race. If you drop below that total amount of reps you are out of the race, out of the event, kaputt. So how […]

Recording Video For Judging

Aloha mighty barbell warrior. You might have noticed that we require video footage for validation by our Judges Team IF you end up in the #1 position after 24 hours. We get a lot of questions about what that means, practically, and how to make sure you get it right. First of all: we hope […]

What is the 24AMRAP Challenge?

The 24 Hour AMRAP Challenge as it is officially called is a CrossFit team competition. It is unique in its kind because of a few different unique aspects: + it ’s completely online so teams from all over the world can compete + it ’s in real-time meaning that all teams and athletes are working […]